Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Gabriella Pribadi (x.8) 14

Batik is one of the famous traditional fabrics, originally from Java, Indonesia. There are many patern and design of Batik Indonesia, depending on the area where it comes. For example from Pasuruan, Solo, ect but most it comes from east Java.
We can use Batik to make clothes such as shirt, blouse, skirt, shawl or any other things. Some people likes to learn how to make Batik, but it takes time to get a beautiful one and the result is different each other.  It used dye and wax as a basic composition, and color too. We put the blend of that things with “Canting” to apply the Batik to get the pattern or design that we love. This is the traditional way to make Batik, but it takes a longtime until the Batik is ready to used. But now there is a modern way to make Batik in short time, it call Batik cap, it means the fabrics are printed in patern do by machine, so the design always similar each others.
The price between the traditional Batik and the Batik cap is slightly different, because it takes a lot of time to do the traditional ways, it means the price also higher than the fabrics printed. It’s price also depend on the material of fabric, sometimes it used silk, cotton or even t-shirt. 

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