Kamis, 09 Mei 2013


As we know, pollution is a common problem that causes global warming in the world. Fumes originating from public transportation such as cars, motorcycles, and more vapored upward and causing erosion of the earth’s layer that is Atmospheric.

Air pollution can be divided into two, they are Primary pollutants and Secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are substances directly arising from pollutant sources of air pollution. Carbon monoxide is an example of primary air pollutants because it is the result of arspn. Secondary pollutant is a pollutant substance formed from the reacting of primary pollutants in the atmosphere. Photochemical formation of ozone in smog is an example of secondary pollution.

Pollution can be caused by human activities, transportation, industry, power electric, combustion (fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, ect.) , exhaust gas fabric that produce harmful gases, natural resources, volcano, the swamp, forest fires, biological nitrification and denitrification, ammonia transport, chlorine tank leak, methane gas generation, organic solvent vapors.

We must to reduce and prevent pollution so as not getting worse and cause serious global warming that can destroy our earth. One way is to plant trees as much as you can around the environment, reduce the use of plastic, and conserve natural resources and use it as much as you can.

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